These proposed Wild and Scenic Rivers flow through or are located upstream of Redwood National Park. They provide important habitat for threatened and endangered salmon and steelhead and nationally significant recreation opportunities.
Supporting self-sustaining populations of Chinook and coho salmon, steelhead, and coastal cutthroat trout, these streams are important to the recovery and expansion of the anadromous salmonid populations of the Redwood Creek basin. Little Lost Man creek provides high quality refugia for at-risk fish species and Lost Man Creek has high potential to provide refugia. The outstanding and irreplaceable ecological values of these streams are recognized world-wide as part of the Redwood National Park World Heritage Site. The streams provide an excellent opportunity for scientific study of disturbed and undisturbed watersheds.

Management Agency: National Park Service ~ Redwood National Park
Bureau of Land Management (BLM) ~ Arcata Field Office
Location: Humboldt County, CA 2nd Congressional District
Watershed: Redwood Creek
Proposed Wild & Scenic River Miles: 19.6
Outstanding Values: Anadromous fisheries, wildlife, ecological, recreation