These proposed Wild and Scenic Rivers flow through or are located upstream of Redwood National Park. They provide important habitat for threatened and endangered salmon and steelhead and nationally significant recreation opportunities.
A major tributary of Redwood Creek, Lacks Creek was determined by the BLM to be eligible for Wild & Scenic protection due to its outstanding old growth forests and anadromous fishery values. Federal officials recently identified the creek as essential for the recovery of threatened salmon and steelhead. The public lands in the Lacks Creek watershed are managed by the BLM to provide a wide variety of outdoor recreation, including mountain biking, hiking, camping, angling, and hunting. The lower 2.7 miles of Lacks Creek is proposed as a “potential” Wild and Scenic River pending acquisition for public conservation purposes.
Management Agency: National Park Service ~ Redwood National Park
Bureau of Land Management (BLM) ~ Arcata Field Office
Location: Humboldt County, CA 2nd Congressional District
Watershed: Redwood Creek
Proposed Wild & Scenic River Miles: 7.8 miles
Outstanding Values: Anadromous fisheries, wildlife, ecological, recreation